Commercial Parking Lot Design & Parking Management Planning

The Keys to Great Parking Lot Design

WHen looking to make some extra revenue, the best place to look is the parking lot. However, the best revenue comes from a lot that is well organized or put together well. Even a parking lot that is already installed can get a redesign to maximize the potential. There are several variables that come into play when designing a parking lot that should be considered. Of these countless considerations, there are four that should be at the forefront of the decision and design making process. These are lot size, parking space size and dimensions, initial design layouts, and calculating potential ROI.

Importance of Parking Areas

Parking areas have been around since before the invention of the car or vehicle. In fact, when people used horses and other means of transporting goods like carts or buggies, they still needed a place to ‘park’ their horses and supplies. With the invention of the vehicle, these parking areas evolved to meet the needs of a steel horse instead. As more people began to drive, there needed to be some semblance of order as cars first were parked all over and in any way. The first parking garage was introduced in France and then the idea spread into other areas of Europe and then North America. These parking spaces allowed for a higher concentration of drivers in populated areas, and kept cars in safe places away from lanes of traffic.

Considerations for the well designed parking lot

In order to meet the needs of the individual and the drivers of the lots, it is important to consider all aspects of the parking area. This includes spacing, traffic flow, area rules and regulations, as well as a look at the user base. Who uses the parking area? For how long? What are their needs? Have we planned for growth and  the future? These can seem daunting, but by planning and implementing adequate design solutions, a lot can be prepared for the present and the future.

Measurements of the Lot 

It is important in the planning process to consider the exact parking lot measurements. There are many ways to accomplish this. Some start first with a satellite image or drone pictures of the parking area. Others will employ the use of surveyors and contractors to get exact measurements of the parking area. Surveys for the property usually have these measurements, as well as have legal descriptions of the dimensions. For the quick approach, others may simply go out to the lot and measure themselves with a tape measure or walking measure. Considerations to the entrances and exits, as well as limits to locations need to be made. After measurements are taken, it should be noted that the use of a software program should be used to get clean blueprints and layouts of the parking area. Paper versions can be used if needed as long as they are neat and clean.

Parking Spaces and Lot Dimensions 

Before you can accurately design a parking area with the optimum spaces and flow, an operator needs to be aware of how many spaces can fit so that plans can be completed to meet the needs of the parking area based on current use and future projections.The average size of a parking space is 9’ X 18’. However, there can be spaces as small as 7.25’ X 15.1’. If the spaces are angled in aisles, these spaces could be 11’ X 23’. Spaces may need to be adjusted based on requirements to meet ADA regulations and spaces for other business needs like deliveries, shopping carts, and more. By knowing the desired size of the spaces, as well as the required spaces to meet ADA regulations, an operator can make an informed decision on how to set up a parking area. It should be noted that all operators or managers need to have contact with local zoning and follow local guidelines for construction and lots.

Sketching and Designing the Parking Areas 

Once all information has been found and the number of spaces determined, a design can be sketched and finalized. These designs can be drawn by hand on paper, or they can be drawn and printed on CAD software programs. There are pros and cons of using either hand drawn or computer generated, however, a blueprint is a blueprint no matter the style. The important part is having all the information needed to communicate with designers, operators, and builders the wants and needs of design.

Complete Potential ROI 

Now that all the plans have been laid and the spaces counted, managers and operators can be better able to determine their potential revenue generated by the parking area. To do this, a calculator like the one provided through ParkingBadge can be a breeze. You can find the calculator here.

For a parking area with 150 spaces and an average of 80 percent occupancy, this space has the opportunity or potential to generate over $12k in monthly revenue if parkers paid a fee of $5. The magic of smart parking tech is that the occupancy percentage can be increased, as available spaces are shown. This increases the potential to increase occupancy, so revenue can be even higher with this scenario!

There are other steps in developing a parking area and maximizing the potential. For more information, reach out to ParkingBadge to talk with a knowledgeable staff member today. No matter the size, type, location, or paid or unpaid parking, Parkingbadge can work with all parking areas to find the solution best for maximizing potential and revenue.

ParkingBadge parking management software and mobile app is an interactive cloud-based platform that allows property owners and property managers to efficiently and conveniently manage their parking facility. With innovative Parking Management Solutions, operators can maximize their parking, maintain tenant and user accountability, enforce their rules and regulations, increase efficiency, and generate revenWant to find out more about ParkingBadge’s innovative digital parking permit software? Request a demo now!